Kaimanāki o te Ngahere
Kaimanāki o te Ngahere is a three part project consisting of:
1. a virtual reality game storyline that seeks to enhance our connection to the Ngahere with matauranga Māori concepts.
2. Observation and kaitiakitanga with myrtle in the Community Rongōa Forest in Brooklyn, Te Whanganui a Tara
3. A karakia received by Jane Mihingarangi Ruka, the artist's mother, during a research visit to the awa and ngahere of Wiltons Bush, Pōneke. Filmed spontaneously, the video captures the moment the karakia was received and spoken into the world by Jane. Speaking directly to myrtle rust as a manuhiri, a guest, the karakia asks gently that it returns to the earth.